Superficial – Don’t judge these Italian cakes by their looks


The sign in this food store near the Campo De’ Fiori in Rome reads ‘Ugly but good’.

I regret not tasting one of these cakes while I was there.

It’s great that some suppliers are now taking a similar approach with odd-shaped and imperfect fruit and vegetables.

As Joni Mitchell says, “Give me spots on my apples, But give me the birds & the bees”.

In addition to reducing our reliance on pesticides, this also has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of food waste.

So let’s worry more about how food tastes and less about how it looks.


This is my final post in a Five Photos/Five Stories blog challenge that reached me courtesy of Sandy at Hoarder Comes Clean. The rules are: “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge.”

Today’s nomination (if she wishes to accept it) is Annie at KitchenCounterCulture who has lots of ideas for what to do with fruit and vegetables that are in excess or past their best (e.g. here).

Categories: Travel, Waste

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7 replies

  1. OK! Thank you! Let me see if I can get my head around this — it’s a bit of a busy time but love the fun! And lucky you to be in Italy 🙂

  2. I often think common, ugly or peasant looking foods taste the best. I would love to know what those cakes were made from.

  3. Looking at the photo — I think I spy oatmeal? You beat me to the finish on the 5-photos challenge.

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